Revolution ~
This post is to be somewhat of a continuation of something my friend, Aaron, wrote about. If you have a lot of time… I suggest you to go read his post “Christian? Am I Worthy?” it’ll be a good starter to this. If not, just read it when you have time or not at all… up to you I suppose. Lol.
It pains me so much to think about the world and where we are headed. I’m not personally sure whether you’ll all believe me, but a while ago, religion played a significant role in every single person’s life. At the least, whether a person was accepting of Christianity or not he had some basis of knowledge about who God was, and the story of Christ’s life. In today’s day and age it seems that the holy name of Jesus Christ is used more as a curse word than as something sacred. Now it just pains me to hear MY Lord and saviour’s name used in that way. Not only is it just used that way, it’s joined with the other favorite words which society decided to pick up. And oh, it doesn’t stop there. The most painful thing is that people picked up the habit of putting everybody’s favourite F word INBETWEEN His name, as if it was his middle name. Now I’m not writing to talk about my pet peeves of the lingo of those around me, because there really are bigger things out there. But just through this example, it’s easy to see that society and religious society really has gone downhill, more rather, off a cliff.
Now, my beef today isn’t with general society. And when I say that I mean those who are in the dark, or non-Christians, for it is written “12For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13But those who are outside, God judges.” 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 (NASB). So, my beef is with you “Christians”. You guys who call yourselves Christians, but you’re still out, getting drunk, getting high, picking up and sleeping with girls/guys. Why I write is to comment on what I’m sure everyone, even outsiders, have noticed with Christians. So many of us are no different than the world. We believe that we have a secured future in heaven, but I say, don’t be so confident about that. No, I’m not blaspheming but I tell you that to truly accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, you’re at the same time accepting his teachings and his morals. Now if you don’t know Christ’s teachings or morals then you have some work to do, but if you do know it, why don’t you follow it? No, I’m not expecting anyone to be perfect, and I’m nowhere near it myself. But as a Christian we should be SOMEHOW different from the rest of the world. There has to be something different in our lives other than our Sunday morning schedule. A Christian should show change in his life, carry some sort of story of how Christ has made him a better person, or changed his life, and it should never stop. As a Christian you’re expected to change, there, I said it. You’re expected to lose the bad and take in the good, you’re expected to see change in your own life and see change happening in others who are real Christians. If you call yourself a Christian and others can’t see some sort of way in which you differ from the people who are not, then you really need to think if you are worthy to be called a Christian.
Now I’ll tell you how to defeat this disease of being a “Sunday Christian”. At a point in their lives, every Christian will face this decision which will be the turning point in their spiritual walk. I believe it’s easy to say that all Christians have a desire to be “good” in their heart, whether they’ve been Christians for 5 weeks or 5 years. Now when I say “good” I mean following the guidelines of your own religion and faith. Now as Christians face this desire to be good in their hearts, they also feel an opposite force in them. One that tells them, being good is no fun, that getting high is much more fun, that it’s OK to sleep around a bit, that getting drunk is fine because it doesn’t “harm me”, that it’s just a phase and they have their whole lives to become good. This pessimistic voice which seems to follow us wherever we go is the other choice we have. Now this turning point I spoke of in each Christian’s heart follows that they have to choose between following the goodness they have in their heart or to submit to the voice and carry on with their lives as if nothing ever happened.
The turning point is one similar to the choice of becoming a Christian. It’s the choice of becoming a good Christian. Of being a man or woman of God, to give your all, to lay it all down, to submit your life, to sacrifice yourself, to be the hands and feet of God. I call this the call for revolutionists. Those who are unable to live up to this call are people who are destroying the plans God had for them. Many of us become Christians when we decide to accept Jesus as our Lord and savior one day at an alter call, and those who are true continue to grow as a Christian until they hit a certain plateau. This plateau is something many people reach, and where most turn back. The way to get beyond this plateau and continue on with God is made by a simple decision. This decision is a pivot point in your life, the one moment in time when you finally decide to give it ALL up for God and be a real man of God, a real follower, a real Christian. I tell people that there aren’t many Christians who show ‘gradual’ growth into a strong Christian. Strong Christians are built up by those people who one day make the decision to give it their all and stick by it. So I’m tired of hearing the excuses from you people. It’s pointless to say that “I need to get some things straightened out first” or “There are some things I need to take care of first and then, I’ll get involved with God.” Because that is what God is there for in the first place. If he isn’t there to make your life better, to take up your burdens then what are you believing in?
Once again, looking at the world, it’s hard to see much. To see a future, to see a way out, or to see any hope. With so many corrupt, fallen away, and lost it’s easy to see why I call this the call for revolutionists. The world is fading, everyday, every second; this is the cry for revolutionists to change the world, to bring back the reign of God. No more Sunday Christians and no more lip service. These are the times when the world is in need, the times when only those who stand up strong will remain, there’s no time left for waiting around and playing your juvenile games. The world is aching for help, for those who will stand up strong and firm and change their ways. This is the cry for revolutionists. You game?
Some harsh words bro! But hey, I do agree with you fully. The thing is that most people are too afraid to post that kind of post or speak that kind of message to others, because it's just so harsh... but I think it's time for people to say it more, and for that kind of message to be said out loud over and over again. Thanks for "promoting" my page again lol. God bless, nice post!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/12/05 4:28 PM