feeling: broken
Currently my brain has been strenuously overused from a day-long mixture of studying papers and staring at my laptop’s screen. It’s hard to think of things to say but I’m going to give it a try anyways. My room is extremely cold and my left eye is still a bit swollen from getting hit in the face during football yesterday (but was so worth it). I also have a limp right now because I strained one of my legs while footballing. My bed is looking so warm and comforting after a long day like this. I think that the only thing that’s keeping me going right now is my vanilla coke that I’ve been sipping at for the past hour. Once again I’m here typing out my thoughts/feelings/beliefs instead of cramming in more information for my management final tomorrow. I’m feeling pretty much dead right now. Body tired, brain hazy and no will power at the moment, sorta broken down and in the dirt.
No, I’m not building this up to be a depressing blog, but going to share a bit about what I read in my book today. Right now I’m reading “Next Door Savior” by Max Lucado. He’s an amazing writer whom I wish I could write as well as sometime in the future. Reading the most recent chapter in this book it questioned me to think about Christ’s life. Of course I know about His life, what He’s been through, the pain, the suffering, the teaching, the losses, the gains, the pains, the battles won, and the feeling of helplessness. Mr. Lucado asks “why?” Why do we have heaven’s perfect son enduring the earth’s toughest pains? Natural reaction for Christians would be to say that we are saved because of his suffering on the Cross, for the up-taking of our sins and for our cleansing. He was the sacrificial lamb, the one of atonement. Our scapegoat. Yes, Lord we already have so much to be thankful for, but there’s still more. Everything Christ went through; the betrayal, the disappointment, the persecution, temptations, pains, losses, ridicule, hate, abandonment, fear, scorning, weeping, uncertainty, brokenness, dirtiness, depression, disease, and being spat on. Christ has seen it, felt it, experienced it. Even death He has experienced. And for what? Not only to save our souls in the end, but to save us today too. Today in our pains, our sufferings and our troubles. Christ has been there. It’s already so much that a God would become man and die the cruelest, most degrading death possible, but to go feel every single pain we’ve ever felt, is just, beyond words I can think of. For me, my uncertainty, my physical pains, my desire to call it a day and sleep my troubles away; Christ has been there. He held fear for the future, He experienced the worst physical pains, He wished he could “call it a day” but kept on pushing. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39 (NIV).
And for you, the suffering, the pains and the losses you feel. The depression, the loneliness and the weeping we all have. Christ has been there. He’s been there and he overcame. He overcame to show us: There is no summit to high, nor depth too low, that our Jesus Christ hasn’t overcome such that he could help you overcome your highs and your lows. “18Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” Hebrews 2:18 (NIV). Try replacing the word “tempted” with whatever you feel is holding you down right now. Christ was ridiculed, so he can help me when I am ridiculed. Christ was betrayed, so he can help me when I am betrayed. Christ was broken, so he can help me when I am broken. I am thankful for a loving God. A God so loving, that when I turn to Him for help, he runs to me to help. Why? Because he knows how I feel. He’s been there. He overcame death; just so I could overcome my own life. Amen to that, Lord. Thank you.
woww this is such a well written and encouraginng blog for me. i dont think i've read a blog that personally encouraged me so much before.
Christ was broken, so he can help me when I am broken. Christ has been there
i liked the last part. Christ has been there .. makes me think that .. MAYBE im not so alone after all. :)
Posted by
Phoebe Mak |
8/12/05 7:53 PM
Well said my friend, very well said. The excuse, "God you just don't understand" really just doesn't work anymore does it haha. Hmm... living water... I think that may be my "outreach" thing to say. KAWZPA. God bless bro, God is really speaking through you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12/12/05 1:03 AM