perseverance pt2: suffering
I wish this pain would go away, this exhaustion, this soreness. I wish I wish I wish. So many times we sing the song: “rain rain go away, come back another day” when in reality we never want it to come back at all. Without the rain, there’s no food for the plants, the grass and the trees, no trees means no oxygen, which means no humans.
Related to my previous post on perseverance, suffering. Being able to stand up under suffering is considered a virtue, so what would you call it when you run away from suffering. Without the rain we’d be no more, we need it in our lives, to feed us, to teach us and to build us. Yes, maybe sometimes it’s so much, that when it rains it pours. But when it pours, God reigns. Where is God amidst all the suffering? There in the eye of the storm, the voice pushing you to persevere. Through the greatest sufferings come out the greatest victories. Even with all the technology out there, there isn’t something to make you physically fit while you stand and do nothing. Everything requires your effort, diets, exercise plans, personal trainers. Diet pills and liposuction may make you skinnier, but you still lack the fitness to maintain that body.
So once again, this is just a little add-on to my previous post. As you walk down the path of daily living, try to remember that the greatest victories are won through the greatest struggles. So I urge you, to run the race with all you got, take the path less traveled, and last but not least, persevere through your daily struggles. The reward is just… beyond words. Amen.
i guess sometimes, no matter how hard we want to give up because it hurts so much to keep on going, God's voice speaks to us. to tell us that it's ok to feel hurt, to feel like giving up. but to remember to not, because He's with us. and that Jesus never gave up either.
oh by the way, you don't know who this is. and i don't know you either. but my friend gave me your link (she knows you, and you know her), and i read your blog on occasion (when bored). you've got some good stuff =)
keep pressing on, on this ever long and struggling walk with Christ. the final destination is beyond description.
Posted by
Anonymous |
15/2/06 7:09 PM
thanks future housemate...
Posted by
UndyingFaith |
17/2/06 11:07 AM
"I was complaining about how I didn't have nice shoes, until I saw a man without feet."
Posted by
Phoebe Mak |
19/2/06 2:04 PM
heyyy its me : ) hahah it was good seeing u yesterday. its nice to catch up once in a while. anyways ure here all weekend soooo i'll be seeing u dudes next weekend?? ; ) how did that kimchi sit btw? LOL. narsty....
Posted by
Anonymous |
19/2/06 5:12 PM