All you need
I still stick by what I've always lived by. Live, Love and Laugh.
Live life to the fullest. As cliche and abused that quote has become. A life with no regrets is a life worth living. It would be a shame to reach the end of your days, look back and wonder what would have happended with the road not taken. Mabye this, mabye that, but with the decisions you make in life, make them and be happy with them. We can't change the past so it's useless wondering what could have or would have been if things were different, so save yourself the trouble and stop stressing about it. Be happy with where you are, and take tomorrow as a new day, new decisions, new ways to find happiness within your life and a new day for a new perspective on life.
Love is not reserved for the boyfriends and girlfriends. Spread the love to those around you. You never know the impact a nice call to check up on someone can make. If you sit back and think you'll begin to see those whom you hold dear and those whom you are held dear by. Close friends are rare to come by, but just one can change your whole life. Cherish your family and good friends, the number of them that you'll have at any given time will most likely not exceed the number of fingers you have. Give them your all, they deserve it.
Laugh till your stomache hurts. No matter how serious things get, or how stressful you will be. There's always time for a good laugh with friends. Take the hardpoints in life with those who bring you joy. Although the real pains in life can't be eliminated with a few laughs, it can always remind you of better times, what awaits you on the other side of the hill. Let it remind yourself to push forward, to enjoy as much of life as you can, and that there is always another way you can look at things. The cup aint half empty... it's just too big for my liking.
Cheesy.. I know... but you think of something better. Take care guys, God Bless
too true... you need to post more often. =)
hahah yep, definitely planning on visiting t.o. more =) and sweeeeet, u added me to your links. lol! have a good day at work, buddy. talk to u laterrrrr.
Posted by
Anonymous |
19/6/06 6:29 AM
heyy thats my saying tooo, live love laugh ^__^
Posted by
Anonymous |
17/7/06 12:38 AM
i say that too, biter. i dunno who came first though
i definately got it off a radio talk show :)
Posted by
mikee |
10/3/08 10:48 PM