overcoming circumstance
So here I am again, trying to get rid of this inability I’ve received when it comes to writing. Sorry for forcing any of you who actually read this to have to drudge through anything I have to say, but hopefully you can somehow find it worth your time. I’m going to try to start writing regularly again, and hopefully within a short period of time I’ll be back… but either way, time for me to start writing away… So, here goes.
There’s a 1 in 48,000,000 chance of winning the lottery, a 1 in 30,000 chance of contracting food poisoning the next time you go out to eat, a 1 in 800 chance of getting into a serious car accident within the next year and a 1 in 5 chance that your next relationship will be with the person you spend the rest of your life with. What does this all mean? No, it does not mean you should stop eating out… or start checking out the first five people that come to mind. All that these statistics mean is that we don’t have much control when it comes to our lives. Yes, your life is yours to make decisions and to run, but how about for these unforeseeable, unpredictable and uncontrollable events in our lives.
Now, despite the fact that I believe in a higher being that has complete control over the world, I’m not trying to persuade anyone that by believing in God, any of those statistics will change for the better, because frankly, I don’t believe in that happening either. I’m not writing to say why you should or shouldn’t believe in God, but what do we do in these uncontrollable circumstances that we are put in regardless of beliefs. When it comes down to the whole scene of our lives, yes, some people have it lucky and some don’t. There are people who grew up with rich families, poor families, a close family or a broken home. There are those who have been popular all their lives, those who have never been able to call someone their best friend, some get a car once they get their license (so jealous…), and some people don’t even have the physical capabilities to drive (and now I feel stupid).
No matter who you are, or how lucky you may be, you’re bound to hit brick walls in your life. Something that every single person will face in their lives are the painful, dreadful and excruciating events that seem to hold us back from being able to “live”. Sometimes (if not many times) we find ourselves stuck in a rut for so long that we feel unable to escape, and unable to overcome. Sometimes things are just so out of our control, so what are we to do? What do we do when it gets so rough and it’s so hard to move on? What’s left for us? Hope.
Hope is the understanding that after today is through, tomorrow will begin. This is something so amazing because no matter how much our minds may play tricks on us, one of the few things that is completely solid in this world is time. We know this because ‘tomorrow’ has always come for us. No matter how long, lonely and gruesome ‘today’ may have seemed or become, tomorrow always came. And what is tomorrow? Tomorrow is new challenges, new events to change and cultivate us. Tomorrow brings time to just relax and refocus ourselves. Hope. Tomorrow is hope. Hope that there is more time, that there’s something more than just ‘today’. And once tomorrow comes and becomes today, we still have hope that another tomorrow will come. This means that each and every new day is something we can use to change us, to help us and to bring us closer to where it was that we wanted to be in the beginning.
No matter how hurt, lonely, and unsatisfied you may be with today, tomorrow is always there to bring you hope, to bring you a new day where you can start fresh and show the world what you got. So how do we overcome circumstance? We remember that tomorrow is always around the corner. We have hope.
thats what im talking about...
Posted by
Anonymous |
16/12/06 11:20 PM